How to improve your photography and take better photographs?
1. Read the camera manual from the first page to the last page.
2. Always carry your camera, you never know when you see something interesting.
3. Before you lift the camera to your eye, give a caption to the picture.
4. Go close, edit all clutter.
5. See light and follow the light.
6. See shapes and forms in your pictures, square, rectangle, circle, triangle.
7. See colors, cold colors, warm colors and what it is doing to your picture.
8. Look at the background textures and see what it is doing to your picture.
9. Look at the lines, vertical lines, diagonal lines, horizontal lines, S curve.
10. Look for repetitions and rhythms and patterns.
11. When photographing people look for emotions, hand gestures and shoot at the right moment.
12. Take a picture with shades of one color and one with a mix of all colors, and feel the difference.
13. Take a photo in black and white and see the difference.
14. Take a picture at minimum aperture and maximum aperture and see the difference.
15. Take a picture at different shutter speeds and see the difference.
16. Show your work to people around you and learn from their comments.