Good Parenting Skills:
Every parent dreams of being the best parent. There are certain elements that make a parent skilled parents. Availability, Appreciation, Affection and Acceptance are the four pillars of parenting, as per the common understandings. Adapting all these characters into your parenting may help you to be skilled parents who are accepted as good parents.
Availability is the most important aspect that makes you a good parent. Being available for the kids is most important in parenting as the presence of parent means great for the children. Presence of parents makes kids confident and smarter. Let them feel the warmth of affection of parents by feeling the presence always. Make yourself available for them especially when they need you. Children learn to live by observing the parents. Parents are their teachers, role models and precisely, their world.
Appreciation ranks next in the array of parenting skills. Every parent should learn to practice the art of appreciating the children whenever he/she finds a chance to do so. Appreciation is the most effective boosting agent for kids, especially from parents. When you appreciate the good deeds and keep blind on minor mistakes, it is self learning experience for kids to realize what is good and what is to be avoided.
Affection is considered as an essential skill when parenting skills are concerned. Children love to be loved. Affection unexpressed is a waste. There are ways of letting your child know that you love him/her.
Accepting children as they are is another skill that every parent should possess. Every child differs in character, skills and physical abilities. You may not get a child as you dreamt of. Accepting your child as he/she is the best way of understanding them and defining your ways to be god parent.
Good Parenting Skills to start today:
Encourage your child to talk with you. He/she is full of new experiences to share and stories to tell.
Inculcate in your child the reading habit. Encourage him/her to read books.
Television can be fun and help your child learn. Television viewing should be planned regularly around programs cast for children. Whenever possible watch television along your child and talk about what you have seen.
Following set proper schedules for home study, recreation, meal times etc. establishes consistency.
Encouraging making a time table for home study, recreation etc. that prepare things for school the next day develops organization.
Make your child responsible for a few household chores like keeping things in order, cleaning the table etc.