Module 1: Fundamentals of Web Development
Introduction to Web Development
- Overview: Frontend, Backend, Full Stack
- Setting up the Development Environment (VS Code, Browser DevTools)
- HTML Basics
- HTML Structure
- Common Tags (div, p, h1-h6, a, img)
- Forms and Tables
- Semantic HTML and Accessibility Basics
- CSS Basics
- Selectors, Properties, and Values
- Box Model and Positioning
- Styling Text and Images
Module 2: Advanced HTML and CSS
- Responsive Design (5 Hours)
- Media Queries
- Mobile-First Design
- Flexbox and CSS Grid
- CSS Frameworks
- Introduction to Bootstrap
- Introduction to Tailwind CSS
- Creating Layouts with Frameworks
Module 3: JavaScript Essentials
JavaScript Basics
- Variables, Data Types, and Operators
- Functions and Events
- Loops and Conditionals
- Working with Arrays and Objects
- DOM Manipulation
- Selecting and Modifying Elements
- Event Handling
- Form Validation
- Introduction to ES6+ Features
- Arrow Functions, Template Literals
- Modules and Classes
- Promises and Async/Await
Module 4: Frontend Frameworks and Tools
- Version Control with Git and GitHub
- Git Basics: Commit, Branch, Push, Pull
- Collaboration with GitHub
- Introduction to React.js
- Components and Props
- State Management
- Event Handling and Lifecycle Methods
- React Hooks: useState and useEffect
- Building a Frontend Application
- Integration of HTML, CSS, and React
- Responsive and Interactive Features
Module 5: Backend Development Basics
- Introduction to Node.js and Express.js
- Setting up a Node.js Environment
- Basics of Express.js
- Routing and Middleware
- Introduction to Databases
- Overview of Relational (MySQL) and NoSQL (MongoDB) Databases
- Basic CRUD Operations
- Connecting to a Database from Node.js
- Building a Simple Backend API
- Creating and Testing REST APIs
- Integrating APIs with the Frontend
Module 6: Deployment and Project Development
- Web Hosting and Deployment
- Hosting Static Sites (GitHub Pages, Netlify, Vercel, Cpanel)
- Deploying Full-Stack Applications