- WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR? - Last minute hustlers who are feeling helpless at the end of the year, just before the exams. And this course is also for the students who dream to be ahead in class be completing their syllabus before time and want to devote the rest of the time to their passion.
- WHAT YOU WILL GET IN THIS COURSE? - Undivided personal attention everyday for the next 60 days where we will together work, both on academics and the mindset to achieve our goal with minimum efforts in the given time frame, making you a true winner for the rest of the life with a developed winning mindset.
- WHAT I WANT FROM YOU? - TRUST ! Trust on your mentor and believe in his words because he is giving you his life experience as a summary of life, to prepare you for future endeavours .... AND COMMITMENT.. that you will work hard , no matter what happens and show you true winner face to the World.