Hello Urvashi this side!
As you all know English is a very scoring subject in all the competitive exam. We can score a got percentage of marks with a little bit of effort.
This is one such topic which doesn't't require much time and energy.
With few concepts and structures of the sentence it will be a cakewalk for every student to clear the question of English in no such time.
For this only basic understanding of verbs and tenses is required and the rest is upto me to let you understand what the question demands.
In all these competitive exam you all just a correct guidance on how to crack the exam with ease.
With my experience in latest trend and analysis of the exam you all will be stress free.
The only thing needed is the consistency and revision that I will be teaching you all on how to handle the pressure of exam and time management and easily get the score in English.
All you need is a pen and a notebook for the class notes which I will teaching.
Also I will be providing all the previous questions for practice so that no stone is left unturned.
Evaluation will of the practice sheets will be done itself on the class so that the doubts raised by any person might help others to get the clarity of the topic.
Overall it will be a very interesting and subject if given atleast few days with consistency and time.