Learn The Magic Of Subconscious Mind
Leading Happiness Rewiring Coach Nilesh Goswami will Decode the Secrets to Live Your Dream Life
Our Subconscious mind has enormous power. Whatever is happening in our lives, is the result of programming done in the subconscious mind. this programming is mostly done unconsciously. Just think, if we can program our subconscious mind as per our own wish, then life will be what we desire.
I invite you to join this Masterclass in which you'll learn to reprogram your subconscious to achieve your desired health, wealth, success, relationships and social status. You'll learn to enjoy the patterns of Confidence, Happiness and Motivation.
If you want to take your life to the next level and live a life of your dreams, then this workshop is with you.
What You'll Learn
Key Takeaways from this Masterclass
Understand The Mind
1. Understand the Mind - Conscious, Subconscious and Unconscious
2. How the belief system guides outcomes of our lives
Learn The Mind Perception Model
1. Understand the Dynamics of Mind
2. Know how we craft our destiny
How To Unleash The Secret Powers Of Subconscious Mind
1. Learn to change the mind codes as per your desired outcome
2. Remove the burden of past painful memories
3. Create mind patterns of confidence, happiness and motivation
4. Learn to Lead a stress free and successful life