Teenagers - they're at that magical yet perplexing juncture of life. As parents, mentors, and caregivers, our role is to guide them through this transformative stage. Enter the SMART Teens Program, an empowerment program designed by Farida Dahee, A Coach, Mentor & Trainer .
At the core of this program is a simple but profound belief: Teens deserve the best tools to navigate the maze of adolescence and emerge as confident, responsible adults.
The SMART Teens Program is a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. It's about helping teenagers decode themselves and uncover what they truly want from life. We instill the importance of setting goals and provide practical tools to help teens turn their dreams into achievable plans.
Hands-On, Minds-On
Our interactive, activity-based workshop delves into six crucial areas:
1. Influence of Friends & Peers
2. Internet and Social Media: The Good, Bad & Ugly
3. Influence of Clothes, Grooming & Personal Hygiene
4. Etiquette & Mannerisms
5. Ways to Add Value in Actions
6. Goal Setting