You will learn
Java Basics:
Data types, variables, operators, and expressions.Control flow: if else, switch, loops (for, while, do while).Arrays and strings.
Object Oriented Programming in Java:
Classes and objects.
Inheritance, polymorphism, abstraction, and encapsulation.nstructors and destructors.
Exception Handling:
Try catch blocks.
Handling exceptions using throw, throws, and finally.
Exception Handling:
Try catch blocks.
Handling exceptions using throw, throws, and finally
- Introduction to WebDriver & Comparison with Selenium RC
- Installing Selenium WebDriver
- Architecture of selenium Webdriver
- Creating your First Script in Webdriver
WebDriver Introduction
- Introduction to WebDriver & Comparison with Selenium RC
- Installing Selenium WebDriver
- Architecture of selenium Webdriver
- Creating your First Script in Webdriver
Automating Keyboard and Mouse Events
- Action Class
- KeyBoard Events
- Drag & Drop Actions
- Mouse Hover Action
- RightClick, Double Click & Tool Tip
Handling multiple Windows
- getwindowHandle()
- getwindowHandles()
- Switching between windows
- Handling elements present in different windows
Handling Frames
- What is iFrame?
- Locating Frames
- Switching between Frames
- Handling Frames
Handling Ajax Components
- Handling Ajax Components
Creating Customize XPath/CSS Selectors
- What is XPath
- When to Use XPath
- Absolute XPath/Relative XPath
- Specifying conditions with XPath
- CSS Selectors
- Customizing CSS Selector
- ImplicitWait
- WebDriverWait
- FluentWait
- PageLoadTimeout
What is TestNG?
- Advantages of TestNG over JUnit
- Why do we need TestNG in Selenium?
- Installing TestNG in Eclipse
- Creating a New TestNG Test File
- Test annotation
- Running the Test
- Checking reports created by TestNG
- Generating HTML Reports
- Annotations used in TestNG
- Validating Tests with Assertions
- Creating multiple Tests
- Prioritizing Tests
- Parameterizing Tests with dataProvider
- TestNG dataProvider with Excel
- Creating and Running Test Suites with TestNG.xml
- Parallel Test Execution with TestNG
- Cross Browser Testing using TestNG