Selenium WebDriver
- Web Elements/HTML Elements
- Inspecting Web Elements (Using a Browser)
- Element Locators – To locate/recognize/identify elements in web pages (Using HTML Locators)
- Performing actions on elements (Using WebDriver Commands/Methods)
- Page Object Model (Creating Object Repositories)
- Waits
- Writing Test Cases
- Locating Elements and Perfuming Actions on Elements (Using Element Locators and Selenium WebDriver commands)
- Creating Object Repositories (Using POM)
- Handling Data in Test Cases – Using Programming Data Types & Variables (Java)
- Data-Driven Testing – Using
- Programming Exception handling code
- Inserting Verification points & Reporting Results – using TestNG framework Assert commands
- Batch Testing using TestNG framework
III. TestNG Framework for Selenium
Create Test batches
Prioritize Test cases
Execute Test Batches
Inserting Verification Points & Generate test Reports
IV. Hybrid Framework – Automation Framework
- Create Selenium Test Environment using Maven
Software used in Selenium Test Environment
- Eclipse IDE
- Java
- Selenium WebDriver
- TestNG
- Maven
- Extent Reports
. TestNG Framework for Selenium
Create Test batches
Prioritize Test cases
Execute Test Batches
Inserting Verification Points & Generate test Reports