Reiki is a healing energy, a gift by nature to us for curing our all issue- physical, mental or emotion. I'm a Reiki Master/Teacher in various forms of Reiki - Usui Reiki, Kundalini Reiki, Karuna Reiki, Ascension Reiki, Angel Reiki and Grand-Master Reiki, practicing & teaching nearly 2 decades in and out of India.. Its very satisfactory to help someone get rid of issues and progress. It normally has 3 levels - 1st level you learn to increase own and tap on universal energy through Chakras & Meditation, 2nd level you learn to help others apart from self but also at Emotional & physical level and even by distance, 3A level is for Master to elarn new sysmbols and techniques to add, #B is the Teach level so you can teach others as well. All classes are practical with focused 1-on-1 or short classes, you will be given notes and life time free guidance.
Let me know how I can help you.