I am working professional with 11+ years of experience in frontend development. I passionate about teaching.
This course includes complete frontend development html, css, Javascript (reactjs) with hands-on demo project.
Basics of React:
Introduction to React, its core concepts and benefits
Setting up a React development environment
JSX syntax and its usage
Creating and rendering React components
Props (component properties) and passing data between components
State Management:
Understanding React state
Updating state and re-rendering components
Managing complex state with techniques like useState hook
Event Handling:
Adding event listeners to React components
Handling user interactions with events like clicks, form submissions
Lifecycle Methods:
Understanding component lifecycle phases (mount, update, unmount)
Using lifecycle methods to perform operations at different stages
Virtual DOM:
How React's virtual DOM works and its performance benefits
React Router:
Routing in React applications
Creating navigation links and managing routes
Advanced Topics:
Hooks (like useEffect, useContext, useReducer)
Context API for global state management
Redux integration for complex state management