- Introduction of React JS
- Client-server architecture
- Rest API
- What is React?
- Why React?
- ReactJS fundamentals:
- Setting up React environment, Create React App
- Hello World, Components, JSX,Templating using JSX
- Functional vs class components, Props, Passing and using props
- Exporting functionality
- State,Updating state , Lifecycle methods
- Hooks – useState, useEffect, useContext
- Event handling
- Forms – controlled components, submission, validation
- Conditional rendering – if, ternary, &&
- Lists and keys, Rendering Lists , Using .map() to render lists of elements,Providing a key for each item
- Importance of keys
- Styling – CSS, CSS Modules, CSS-in-JS
- React Router – setup, routes, parameters, Link and NavLink
- Redux – setup, actions, reducers,Dispatching actions
- Code-Splitting
- React.lazy
- Suspense
- Route-based code splitting
- Async/await, Promises, Fetch API,Making HTTP requests in React
- Error handling, debugging, optimization,Memoization,React.memo and PureComponent
- Deployment – Vercel
- Hands-on projects included the React JS course syllabus
- To-Do List Application
- Quiz Application
- Expense Tracker
- Movie Database
- Ecommerce Website Source Code
- Interview Questions and Answers
- Integration of React application with node js