React Course
React Syllabus with JavaScript Concepts and Advanced Techniques
Module 1: JavaScript Fundamentals
- Variables and Data Types
- Operators and Expressions
- Control Structures (if-else, switch)
- Loops (for, while, do-while)
- Functions (declaration, expression, arrow functions)
- Arrays and Array Methods
- Objects and Object-Oriented Programming Concepts
- Scope and Closure
- Promises and Asynchronous JavaScript
- ES6+ Features (let, const, destructuring, spread/rest operators, template literals, etc.)
Module 2: Introduction to React
- What is React?
- Setting up a React Development Environment
- JSX Syntax
- Components and Props
- State and Lifecycle Methods
- Handling Events
- Conditional Rendering
- Lists and Keys
- Forms and Controlled Components
- React Fragments
- Styling in React (CSS Modules, Styled Components)
Module 3: Advanced React Concepts
- Higher-Order Components (HOCs)
- Render Props
- Context API
- React Hooks (useState, useEffect, useContext, etc.)
- Custom Hooks
- Error Boundaries
- Portals
- Lazy Loading and Code Splitting
- Server-Side Rendering (SSR) with React
- Client-Side Routing with React Router
Module 4: State Management
- Local Component State vs. Global State
- Managing State with Context API
- State Management with Redux (Actions, Reducers, Store)
- Middleware in Redux
- Asynchronous Actions with Redux Thunk
- State Management with MobX
- Recoil for State Management
Module 5: Advanced React Patterns
- Container Components vs. Presentational Components
- Higher-Order Components (HOCs)
- Render Props
- Compound Components
- Controlled vs. Uncontrolled Components
- Optimizing Performance with Memoization and React.memo
- Error Boundary Patterns
- Data Fetching Patterns (SWR, Suspense, etc.)
- Forms Handling Patterns
Module 6: Testing in React
- Introduction to Testing Library (Jest, React Testing Library)
- Writing Unit Tests for React Components
- Snapshot Testing
- Mocking External Dependencies
- Integration Testing
- End-to-End Testing with Cypress
Module 7: Advanced Techniques and Tools
- Server-Side Rendering (SSR) with Next.js
- Static Site Generation (SSG) with Next.js
- Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) with React
- TypeScript with React
- Internationalization and Localization
- SEO Optimization for React Apps
- React Performance Optimization Techniques
- Debugging React Apps
Module 8: Real-World Projects and Case Studies
- Building a Todo List Application
- Creating a Chat Application with WebSocket Integration
- Developing a Blogging Platform
- E-commerce Website Development
- Building a Social Media Dashboard
- Integration with External APIs (e.g., Google Maps, Firebase)
- Deployment Strategies for React Apps (AWS, Netlify, Heroku, etc.)
Module 9: Continuous Learning and Best Practices
- Keeping Up with React Updates and New Features
- Contributing to Open Source React Projects
- Code Review Best Practices
- Documentation and Writing Technical Articles
- Participating in React Community Events and Meetups
- Exploring Advanced Topics (GraphQL, Serverless Computing, etc.)
This syllabus covers a comprehensive range of JavaScript concepts and advanced techniques along with practical applications in React development. It provides a structured learning path for mastering React and building robust, scalable, and efficient web applications.