This course will give u brief information about python
The Roadmap for python course
1. Python Fundamentals
Introduction to Python:
Basic syntax and structure
Variables, data types (numbers, strings, lists, tuples, dictionaries)
Operators (arithmetic, comparison, logical)
Control Flow:
Conditional statements (if, else, elif)
Loops (for, while)
Defining and calling functions
Arguments and parameters
Return values
Modules and Packages:
Importing modules
Creating custom modules and packages
2. Data Structures and Algorithms
Lists, Tuples, and Dictionaries:
Advanced operations (slicing, indexing, methods)
List comprehensions
Sets and Frozen Sets:
Set operations (union, intersection, difference)
Sorting algorithms (bubble, insertion, selection, merge, quick)
Searching algorithms (linear, binary)
3. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
Classes and Objects:
Creating classes and objects
Attributes and methods
Single and multiple inheritance
Public, private, and protected access modifiers
4. File I/O and Exception Handling
File Operations:
Reading and writing files
File modes (read, write, append)
Exception Handling:
Try-except blocks
Raising exceptions
Custom exceptions