Python Programming Training for Absolute Beginners.
This will cover very basic to advanced level. Do you need any prior knowledge, absolutely, its a BIG NO!!! . I will cover from level-0.
Introduction to Python
- History and features
- Installing Python & setting up the environment
- Writing your first Python program
- Basic Concepts
Variables and data types
Operators (arithmetic, comparison, logical)
Input/Output operations
Control Flow
- Conditional statements (if, elif, else)
- Loops (for, while)
- Defining and calling functions
- Arguments, return values, and scope
- Built-in vs. user-defined functions
Data Structures
- Lists, tuples, and sets
- Dictionaries
String manipulation
Modules and Packages
- Importing modules
- Using standard libraries
File Handling
- Reading and writing files
- Working with CSV and JSON
Error Handling
- Try, except blocks
- Common exceptions and debugging
Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
- Classes and objects
- Inheritance and polymorphism
This will include programs under each topic. This will help you more in deriving logic and writing programs.