In this session we practice puzzles and make our learners improve their observation skills. Here we ask different types of questions so that they will be aware of everything what's happening in the chess board.
The Questions can be of anything,
For example,
1) Who has the material advantage?
2) Where is the white or the Black King?
3)Observe the attacking chess pieces
4) Observe the chess pieces that are protected
5) What are white weakness?
6) What are Black weakness?
7)What are white strengths?
8) What are Black strengths?
9) If it is White to play, what is the best move?
10) If it is black to play, what is the best move?
11) Find the best moves of your Opponent
12) How to gain material advantage in this position?
13) How can we give check mate threats?
14) Whose King is safer?
15) Whose chess pieces are more active
16) What are the possible moves in this position, write all possible variation and find the best one.