The Piano Course is designed for the beginner who wishes to learn the piano by playing chords quickly. The course has a number of features that make it particularly successful in achieving this goal. It progresses very smoothly, with no gaps that cause the skipping of hard sections.
The class will first introduce basic notes, like treble clef, bass clef. Then we will understand the difference between white and black keys. How to play scales and arpeggios hands together. How to sit at the piano. We will further introduce the Right-hand C position, Quarter NOtes & Half Notes, Left-hand C Position, The whole note, The Grand Staff, Melodic Intervals, and Harmonic Intervals. Knowledge of major scales and minor scales.
Instead of memorizing chords, students learn how to derive them regardless of what key they are playing in. Finally, the choice of song material is outstanding, with some popular and familiar favorites mixed with tuneful originals, all adding to the fun and enjoyment of making music.