Hi Planning to change from Non-IT to IT-Job
We provide following services
1) Resume preparation
2) Training
3) Regular Assignments
4) Interview preparation and support
Technologies: Microsoft SQL Server
Fee : 7500/-
Duration: 45 Days (Daily 1 Hr & 30 Min)
Mode : Online
Regular Classes Monday to Friday and assignments on Saturdays.
SQL Server Topics
1.Database Introduction (Create/Alter/Drop)
2.Commands (DDL,DML,DQL)
3.Table Introduction (DDL/DML/DQL)
4.Data Types and Range
7.Sequence and Schema
8.Operators and Types
9.Types of Clauses and Order of execution
10.Aggregate Functions
11.Query /Subquery
12.Co-related Subquery
13.Derived Table and CTE (Common Table Expression)
14.Joins and Types
15.Date & time Functions
16.Rank Functions & String Functions
17.Over class (Running Total)
18.Rollup & Cube (Grouping and Grouping sets)
19.Lead & Lag
20.Fetch and Offset
21.Temp Tables
22.Merge Statement
23.Recursive CTE
24.Pivot and Unpivot
25.Case Statement
T-SQL Topics----
1. View introduction and types
2. Variables and Types
3. Stored Procedure
4. UDF
5. Triggers
6. CUrsors
7. Indexes
8. Transactions and Locks
9. Dynamic SQL
We will provide assignments for every class .