OET or Occupational English Test is a test meant for testing the communication skills of professionals in the medical field. The professions for whom the test has relevance are: dentistry, medicine, nursing, dietetics, occupational therapy, optometry, podiatry, pharmacy, radiography, speech pathology and veterinary science. Candidates who wish to work abroad are required to take this test .
The OET is an exhaustive test covering all aspects of listening, reading, writing and speaking with relevance to the medical sciences. The test requires one to prepare thoroughly in order to perform well. A general or average performance in these four skills is inadequate to get one entry into the country of one's choice.
For example, error free writing alone will not ensure good grades. The candidate has to be skilled in using the right concepts , sequence markers,blinking words, etc.
Having said that, I would like to add that a qualified and experienced tutor is required to guide the candidate to a brilliant performance. I can assure my students that I can guide them excellently.
The student will be guided towards the right choices and the reason for the choice will be explained. Over and above that, the student will be put through his paces. He/she will be administered a good number of mock tests. The tests will be assessed and areas for improvement will be discussed.
Besides, the candidate will be given good practice in speaking. At the end of the course, the candidate will have more than enough confidence to take the exam and of performing exceedingly well.