This course is designed for students who want to learn about object Oriented Programming and systems in detail.
In this course we will cover below topics
What is object Oriented Programming and why its needed?
What are other Programming styles?
What are classes?
What are objects?
What are different kind of classes in java?
How to call methods from different classes?
What is inheritance?
What is polymorphism?
What are abstract classes?
What are interfaces and when to use them?
Which different systems use object Oriented Programming?
How to design a software system using object Oriented design concepts.
Object Oriented Programming practicals will be explained using Java programming language. Students need to have java installed in their laptop.
This course will run for 10 hours. 1 hour per day. Classes will be scheduled as per students preferences.
If you wish to be able to create object Oriented designs and systems do not miss this course.