This course will cover topics of Atomic, Molecular and Nuclear Physics at introductory level. The typical text book for this course is "Concepts of Modern Physics" by Arthur Beiser.
Under the broad section of Atomic Physics, we shall study Atomic Models, Atomic Spectra, X-Ray, Photoelectric Effect and Compton Effect. The section of Atomic Models would cover various different atomic models such as Rutherford Model and Bohr Atom model. Under the section of Atomic Spectra, we shall study the origin of spectral lines due to spin orbit interactions, various coupling schemes and selection rules, spectra of Alkali Metals, Zeeman Effect etc.
Under the broad section of Molecular Spectra, we shall cover the origin and types (such as Rotational and Vibrational) of such spectra and their selection rules. Under this section, we shall learn about phenomena such as Raman Scattering, Luminescence, Fluorescence and Phosphorescence. We shall also get introduced to Lasers (underlying processes, production and properties).
Under the broad section of Nuclear Physics, we shall study properties of atomic nuclei and various nuclear models. Various nuclear reactions (such as radioactivity, fission, fusion and other types) shall be discussed. An introduction to elementary particles and their properties shall also be discussed.