This course is meant for Students and professionals who want to learn App development
The course teaches Dart Language and Flutter framework. Flutter framework is from Google and its popularity is exponential today. Job oppurtunity with Flutter is too high.
Dart Language
Advantages , Comparison with Java, Entry point, static and dynamic types,
Variables : Keywords, Variables, int, String, double etc, operators, enum, String
Class: Class, objects, members, constructor, named parameters, required, extend class, mixin , inheritance, examples
Collections : List, Set, Map,
Map : Key, Index, Data, JSON, ToList, ForEach, FromJson, ToJson
Null Safety : Sound null safety, Unsound null safety
Exceptions : Try, Catch, Finally
Flutter Framework
IDE Overview
Android Studio, Visual Studio code, Installation, Creating project, Emulator, running on emulator, on real mobile, on browser, on desktop, on Mac. SDK, Extensions, Plug-in, pubspec.yaml,, build.gradle, AndroidManifest.xml, folder structure, build folder, web folder
Framework Overview
Widgets, Stateful and Stateless widgets, counter example , App bar, Scaffold, Material App, Container, Text, Text Style, Icon, Elevated Button, Safe Area, Widget Tree, constraints, Layout algorithm, passing data to widgets as parameters
Layout - Single Child
Container, Box Decoration, Box Shadow, Border, Border Radius, Box Shape, Align, Center, Constrained Box, Aspect Ratio, Expanded, Flexible, Positioned, Fitted box, Sized box, Padding, Stack, Single child Scroll View, Transform, Divider, Chip, Card, List Tile, Snack Bar
Layout - Multi Child
Column, Row, MainAxis Alignment, CrossAxis Alignment, List view, Grid view, Stack, Table, Wrap
User Interaction
Text Button, Elevated Button, Icon button, Floating Action Button, Radio Button, Check Box, Slider, Text Editing Controller, Dropdown Button, Dropdown Menu Item
Material Page Route, Push, Pop, Alert Dialog, Tab Bar, TabBar View
Files / Persistence
Assets, Mp3, Image files as Asset, Loading Assets, File Image,
File Storage, Permissions, Read/Write, JSON files from Map, Settings Data, Singleton Object, Accessing Settings Data on all pages
State Management
Provider, Service Locator, Dependency Injection
Publishing the App
Google Play Store, Play Console, Apple App Store, XCode from Mac, App Bundle, Digital Signature, key store, Publishing, Rollout, Free and Paid Apps, Cost involved