Hi all,
In This Master Class, students will get an overview of different concepts of MICROSOFT SQL programming.
We will be covering the following topics
1) JOINs
2) Cursors
3) Triggers
4) Views
5) Stored procedures
6) Functions
This way you will get an overview of the SQL and different sections in it.
In Joins we will cover different types of Joins.
We have
Inner joins,
Left outer join
Right outer join
Full outer join
Cross join and
Self join
We will also cover Stored Procedures. Stored procedures provide re-usability.
Also, we have better execution plan with stored procedures. We have prevention from SQL injection.
We will also cover functions. They are used to execute a particular logic and return a value.
In cursors, we can see the specific looping logic being achieved using it. We can loop rows of table and get control of the row.
Main focus in this class will be of joins as they are very important as part of MICROSOFT SQL PROGRAMMING.