Microsoft Azure Training by Santhosh
Syllabus of Microsoft Azure Training
Module 1 : Why Cloud?
- Why Cloud and What is Cloud Computing?
- Identify the features and benefits of cloud computing
- Different types of Cloud Computing deployment model
- Public Cloud, Private Cloud, Hybrid Cloud
- Virtualization – An essential in cloud
- Virtualization in Cloud model
- Hypervisor – Benefits
- Different types of services and its difference in Cloud computing
- IaaS, PaaS, SaaS
- Importance of scaling in cloud computing
- Different types of scaling and its applications
- Issues we overcome using cloud and applications
- Cost model that we use in cloud computing
Module 2: A kick start on the Microsoft Azure platform
- Microsoft Azure – An High-level overview
- Creation of Azure account
- Overview of the services provided in Azure
- Learn support center help and other controls
Module 3: Managing Microsoft Azure Subscription
- Creating subscription for the account
- Cost center and tagging
- Azure policies
Module 4: Azure Resource Management
- Managing and analyzing Azure resource
- Diagnostics and baseline environment
- Creating alerts and metrics
- Managing costs
- Log analysis
Module 5: Azure Virtual Machines
- Introduction to Virtual machine architecture
- Azure Virtual machine – an overview
- Understanding different families of virtual machines
- Understanding the plans and costs of virtual machines
- Creating a virtual machine
- Connecting the virtual machine remotely
- Understanding VM Availability
- Understanding and setting virtual machine monitoring
- Virtual Machine scale sets (VMSS)
- Creating windows and Linux virtual machines
Module 6: Managing Azure Virtual Machines
- Adding additional data disks to Virtual machine
- Adding network interface cards to virtual machines
- Changing different VM size
- Redeploying virtual machines
Module 7: Azure Virtual machine backups
- Understanding virtual machine backups
- Virtual machine backup jobs and restores
- Hands-on on virtual machine concepts
Module 8: Azure Virtual Networks
- Understanding Basic networking
- Understanding CIDR
- Creation of virtual networks
- Public IP addressing concepts
- Learning network routing on azure
- Setup virtual networks peering between different virtual networks
- Vnet to vnet connection
Module 9: Introduction to Load Balancing
- Setup Load Balancer
- Front End IP Configuration
Module 0: Azure network security groups
- An intro to Network security groups
- Implementing Network security group rules
Module : Azure DNS Services
- Azure DNS services introduction
- Assigning custom domains
Module : Azure AD – Basic vs Premium
- Introduction and Creating Azure AD
- Adding our Custom Domains
- Learn about AD Identity Protection
- How to implement Self Service Password Reset
- Conditional Access and Access Reviews
Module 3: Implementing MFA
- Azure AD MFA – An introduction
- Azure AD Conditional Access
- Configuring Fraud Alerts
- MFA One Time Bypass
Module 4: Azure RBAC
- Understanding Azure Role-based access control (RBAC)
- Creating custom RBAC
Module 5: Creating and configuring storage accounts
- Create Storage Account
- Virtual Networks and Firewalls
- Access Keys and SAS
- Files
- Tables
- Queue