In this class you will learn all the basic fundamentals of mathematics and gear up ypurself to advance level of mathematics. The topics covered will be
1. Real number : In this you will lean about fundamental theorem of arithmetic, prime factorisation of composite numbers and proving of irrational numbers.
2. Polynomials : Concept of algebra and polynomials and zeroes of Quadratic Polynomial.
3. Linear equations in two variables: Concept of condition for intersecting , parallel and coinciding lines and how to solve them graphically, eliminiation mehtod and substituion method. Conditions for straight lines to be parallel , intersecting and coincidng.
4. Quadratic Equations : How to solve quadratic equations usning factorisation, completing the square and quadratic formula method.
5. Arithmetic progression: Concept of areithmetic progression and find its nth term and sum of n terms of AP. Some special series.
6. Triangles: Similairty of triangles. Basic proportionality theorem, proof and questions based on BPT
7. Coordinate geometry: Concept of distance between two points, Section formula.
8. Intrroduction to trigonometry: Concept of trigonometric ratios and its proof.
9. Applications of trigonometry.: Application based questions popularly known as height and distances.
10. Circles : All theorems of grade 9 revision along with tangent to circle.
11. Area related to circles: Area , perimeter and circumference of a circle, sector, segment.
12. Surface area and volume: Surface area and volume of combination of solids.
13. Statistics : Concept of mean median and mode in group frequency distribution table.
14. Probability: Concept of probability in real with favourable event and not favourible events.