This class is a mathematics class which will be very helpful for the children. Children will learn a lot in it.
In this class, we will tell children about all those formulas of Maths which children do not remember quickly. We will tell them an easy trick so that children can solve their questions easily.
We are not able to solve Maths questions easily, for this we will be very frank with the children, due to this the children can easily ask us their doubts and whatever they do not know from us, they can easily ask us, due to which He will never face any problem in Maths in his future.
We have also been students at one time, so we also know how and what things we have to do and nowadays maths is becoming very difficult for children, so we will teach it to everyone in an easy way, because of this, children. Never be afraid of math. Many of today's kids tell you to treat them like thisWill do as if he is very interested in maths.
Children should not bring anything else with them, they should only keep their book with them and a notebook because without a notebook, mathematics cannot be done.