Class 10 mathematics is a course that teaches students how to apply math in practical situations and develop analytical and practical skills. Students learn to use math to solve real-world problems, such as calculating height using trigonometric functions or using algebraic formulas. Some topics covered in class 10 math include: Real numbers: The union of rational and irrational numbers, which can be positive or negative. Examples include fractions, decimals, and natural numbers. Quadratic equations: Equations in the form \(ax^{2}+bx+c=0\). Trigonometry: Students learn about trigonometric functions and their applications. Algebra: Students learn to write, read, and apply expressions, rational numbers, and polynomials. Geometry: Students learn about geometric transformations, including circles, angles, parallel lines, perpendicular lines, and line segments. Other topics covered in class 10 math include: polynomials, pair of linear equations in two variables, arithmetic progressions, triangles, and coordinate geometry.
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