Learn the basics of Madhubani Folk art. Madhubani painting is a very popular folk art of India famous all around the world for its unique style, colorful patterns and beautiful figures. This course will help you understand the basics of the artform so that you can create beautiful paintings in madhubani style.
It is a one month course with a total of 8 classes (2 days per week, 1 hour each).
You will learn:
1. About Madhubani art, its history and origin
2. Different types of Madhubani art
3. How to draw border designs and patterns
4. How to draw traditional motifs (flowers, birds, animals)
Materials you need:
1. Pencil, Black gel pen, Red gel pen, eraser, scale, rounder
2. Colors: Brushpens/ Sketchpens/ Poster color/ Acrylic color
3. Paper: Preferably 200gm watercolor paper. Any regular drawing book is also good for beginning sketches.
Who can join?
Anyone above 10yrs. and complete beginners who want to learn this artform. It is a beginner friendly course.