Linux is an operating system or a kernel based on the Unix operating system. Linux belongs to the family of Unix operating system. It is distributed under open source and hence free of cost. Most of the Linux kernel's source code has been written in C programming language. Linux operating system is deployed on a wide variety of computing systems, such as embedded devices, mobile devices (Android operating system), personal computers, servers, mainframes, and supercomputers. Most of the Linux kernel's source code is written using the GNU extensions of GCC to the standard C programming language and with the use of architecture specific instructions. Anyone with basic IT/software experience can attend this Linux course. You need a laptop with a better configuration and a stable internet connection to do a hands-on workout in session time. In this Linux course, you will learn architecture, text editor, kernel, terminal, shell, user, group, partition, filesystem, process, package, service, network, and SSH. Please view the syllabus document to know the full course content structure and hands-on topics on Linux.