Language Ladder is an inclusive program for adults and children, specially designed with the constructivist approach to learning alanguage. The four skills of a language- LSRW (listening, speaking reading and writing) in combination with creative and critical thinking skills is constructed in a meaningful and natural environment for the learner.
Language skills are interrelated and integral to real-life communication and creative and critical thinking enables learners to analyse and evaluate complex information and develop problem-solving abilities. Language Ladder encourages participants to collaborate, collate and communicate their thoughts, ideas, interpretations and reflections through interactive activities.
Communication is a principal skill that is required right through
our lives to manage our personal, professional and social lives. If learners are exposed to the nuances and richness of the English language early, without the burden of being judged or tested forerrors, they will enjoy the experience of familiarizing themselves with the creative, literary and
contextual usage of English.
With changing trends and evolving learning styles, this program is a blended form of learning to hone the receptive and productive skills of a language. It is activity based, interactive and is conducted online.