This is the basic colouring course where kids will be introduce to the fundamentals of colour. This couse is simple and designd specially for kids.
In the 1 hour class they will learn how to mix different colours and create their own colour wheel. They will be shared with tips and tricks around colouring in the class.
While doing it practically they will learn about primary, secondary and tertiary colours. This course will give them deep insight about colour and if you choose to enroll for classes they will be taught how this colours are used in painting. The course will not only enhance the creative side of the learner, it will stimulate their intellectual ability too.
Eligibility- 7 to 12 years
Material required- 1. Poster colour 2. Brush of different thickness 3. Bowl of water, 4. Tissue paper or rag cloth, 5. Circular object (size approx 15 cms in diameter) 6. Black pen of different thickness, 7. Scale 8. Pencil 10. A4 size drawing sheet.