This course will be covered below topics:
- Introduction to Java
- Object oriented programming concepts(OOps) - Encapsulation, Inheritance, Abstraction, Polymorphism, Classes & Objects, primitive data types, variables, operators
- Expressions, statements & Arrays
- Packages & Interface - Abstract classes, interface
- Thread programming
- Socket Programming - TCP/IP
- Exception Handling
- I/O in Java- Input and output streams, Serialization
- Strings & Characters
- Applet & HTML Introduction
- Graphics & User interface - Swing & AWT
- Introduction to RMI programming
- Need of JSP
- JSP lifecycle
- JSP elements - Scriptlets, expressions, declaration
- JSP standard actions
- JSP directives
- JSTL overview and usage
- Creating a JSP and running in a web application
- Introduction of Servlet
- Servlet lifecycle
- Forwarding and redirection
- Session tracking
- Cookies to exchange session information
- URL Rewriting to exchange session information
- Session object APIs
- Filters