Hi everyone
I have designed this course to train people in current java technologies like java 8 and Spring framework which includes Spring boot also. By learning the current trends in java you can easily crack any interview and work without any hesitation in any organization as a professional. Please check below to have an insight about what I will be covering in upcoming sessions.
Core java
1. Java Basics
2. Oops
3. Java.lang package
4. Exception Handling
5. Multi-Threading
6. Collection framework
7. Java.io package
8. Reflection Api
9. Enum
Advance Java
1. Jdbc
2. Servlet
3. JSP
Spring Framework
1. Spring IOC
2. Spring MVC
3. Spring AOP
4. Spring data and transactions
Spring boot
1. Spring Boot Starters
2. Auto Configurations
3. Spring Boot Initializer
4. Spring Boot CLI
5. Dev Tools
6. Externalized Configurations
7. YAML Support
8. Embedded Containers
9. Actuators
10.Spring Boot Admin
Java 8 features
1) Default Methods in Interface
2) Static Methods in Interface
3) Lambda Expressions
4) Method References
5) Functional Interfaces
6) Functional Programming
7) Streams API
8) Joda Date API
9) Optional Class
10)Miscellaneous Features