The course will help you understand, what goes behind in the pre-production, production and post-production stages of filmmaking, right from the concept to script and right till the end until final cut of the film is ready.
Along with various jobs and responsibilities of each crew member you get to know on how a director must say the story and lead the team, how to explain what he wants from the actors and rest of the crew members to achieve the desired emotions and the visuals.
Many theories and topic of film direction will be covered along with assignments to go hand in hand practice of what is being learnt.
Following are the topics that will be covered:
1) Screenplay writing
2) Role of the Director
3) Direction (Single-Camera)
4) Direction (multicamera)
5) Putting together a project
6) Sound Design
7) Camera movements
8) Working with the actors
The course will provide an in-depth knowledge of the various kinds of narrative styles and talk about how various elements such as dialogue, silences, lighting, shot size, camera movent, different editing styles and much more - come together to evoke a certain feeling and in the audiences and make its way through into their minds.
A director might not master all the aspects but must know them well to use them as his/her tools to tell the story.