The IELTS Test Prep classes would help you understand the basic structure of the IELTS exam and from there we begin to focus on each element of the test individually. These are: Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking.
It is very impostant that not only practise of the test is done on a regular basis but also skills to attempt each section is the key to getting the desired score in the exam and that is the focus of this course. Once you are equiped with the skills, you would be able to attempt the exam with ease.
Each section is individually focused upon and thereafter put into practise. 24 hours are focusead on reguar skill building activities and practise test and remaimng 6 hours we take on to the area that needs more practise and resolve any other areas that you might need help in.
Please feel free to reach out to me if you need any assistance or need more information.