This is for a student who has no prior experience in giving IELTS Exam. In this basic course student will be made familiar with the IELTS format and will be teached how to attempt this exam.
- All four modules will be discussed in self paced as well as elaborated manner.( depend on student level in english)
- Additionally a student will get basic grammar lessons.(without any other charges)
- More emphasis will be given to the weak module.
- The regular assignments as well as weekly mocks are given to students.
- Ebooks for specific need or module will be provided in this course from authentic source.
- Regular support to student throughout their practice will be provided.
- Flexible hours are available. Many slots option to choose from.
- 30 (hour) sessions
- 40(hour)sessions
It's upto you how many classes you want to book for. Ideally a student required 30 classes to start with if he/she has good grasp of english language. You will be informed about all in demo class.
student will extra 2 days class free as a part of this course.