This course covers entire syllabus of Heat Transfer in Chemical Engineering. That includes Conduction, Convection, Radiation, Heat Exchangers, Evaporators, Reboilers etc.
his is a fundamental subject for Chemical Engineering students and is also important in disciplines as diverse as Mechanical Engineering, Biotechnology and Nanotechnology. This course deals with both the fundamental and applied aspects, starting with the basic concepts and governing equations and evolving into the design of relevant industrial units. The students will be made aware of the core scientific issues and will be encouraged to solve problems on their own.
INTENDED AUDIENCE: Chemical/Mechanical/Biotechnology/Nanotechnology
PREREQUISITES: Undergraduate level courses in Fluid Mechanicsl
INDUSTRY SUPPORT: Most of the process industries recognize this as a fundamental course dealing with the design of the heat transfer equipment. The fundamental concepts will enhance the lateral thinking capabilities of the students and seamlessly integrate the concepts for their use in a multitude of processes and problems. The relevant industries include all chemical process industries, thermal, solar and nuclear power as well as those involved in the design of such plants.