This class will cover the following...
Module 1: Introduction With Python
- Overview of Python
- Setting UP Python
- Understanding Syntax of Python
Module 2: Python Basics
- Datatypes & Variables: Int, string,Bool,List,Tuples,Dict
- Operators in Python: Arith,Relational,Logical,Bitwise
- Control Flow: If-else,for
- Functions: Creating and calling function
- Error Handling: Try, Catch
Module 3: Python Libraries
- Standard Libraries: math, datetime,os, sys
- File Handling: Reading,Writing, Appending
- Data Manipulation: numpy, Pandas
Module 4: Python as OOPS
- Class & Objects: Basics of OOPS
- Inheritance: Single,Multiple,Multilevel
- Polymorphism: Method Overloading,Overriding
- Encapsulation: Public and Private Attributes
Module 5: Advanced Python
- Comprehensions: List, Dictionary, Set
- Iterator & Generator: Single,Multiple,Multilevel
- Decorators: Writing decorators
- Regular Expression: Pattern Matching
Module 6: Data Analysis with Python
- Intro with Data Science Libraries: numpy, pandas, matplotlibt
- Data Visalization: Seaborn
- Data Analysis: Grouping, Merging,
Module 7: Web App with Python
- Intro with Flask: Basics of Web App
- Building API: RestAPI
- Database:
Requirement from Student:
- Standard Internet speed.
- Standard Laptop
- Standard Headphone
- No students will be allowed to join once session starts.
Have a Happy Learning