Who is this class for:
This class is for students who have an experience of at least 1.5 to 2 Years of experience in Guitar Playing and are looking forward to start their career in playing as a Lead Guitarist in bands or as a Session Guitar Player
What will I learn Here :
- Here you will be taken through the concepts of scales.
- Your Guitar Teacher will introduce lead techniques like bends, hammering and pull offs, slide up and down, bend release, vibratos.
- Alternate Picking Techniques, Economy Picking, etc.
- Introduction to Alternate Tunings and their usage
- Easy methods of memorising the notes on the fretboard.
- Introduction to Amps and effects. (For Electric Guitar Players)
- Basics of tone making (For Electric Guitar Players)
- Handling complex chords like 7th, diminished, augmented, suspended etc and improvising leads on real time on these chords
- Live Improvisation on backing tracks.
- Itendentify by own the chords of a song with out the help of the teacher for being more independent as a musician.