The Life Cycle of Flowering Plants
1. Seed Stage: The Tiny Start
Illustration: A small seed in soil, waiting to grow.
Explanation: The seed is like a tiny treasure chest. Inside, it has the baby plant and food to help it grow. It waits for water, warmth, and soil to sprout.
"A seed so small, starts it all,
With soil and rain, it’ll grow tall!"
2. Germination: The Plant Wakes Up
Illustration: Roots sprouting downward and a green shoot reaching upward.
Explanation: When the seed gets water and sunlight, it "wakes up." Roots grow down to drink water, and a little shoot reaches up toward the sun.
Mnemonic: "Germination = Grow Up and Down!"
3. Seedling: The Baby Plant
Illustration: A small plant with tiny green leaves.
Explanation: The shoot grows leaves and becomes a seedling. It drinks water, breathes air, and eats sunlight to grow.
"A seedling small, with leaves so green,
Drinks sunlight to keep it clean!"
4. Adult Plant: The Flower Blooms
Illustration: A tall plant with colorful flowers.
Explanation: The seedling grows bigger and becomes an adult plant. It grows flowers, which are important because they make seeds.
Mnemonic: "Flowers = Future Seeds!"
5. Pollination: The Helpers Arrive
Illustration: A bee flying from one flower to another with pollen.
Explanation: Bees, butterflies, and even the wind help move pollen from one flower to another. This helps plants make seeds.
"Buzz, buzz, the bees do play,
Carrying pollen every day!"
6. Seed Formation: The Plant's Gift
Illustration: A flower turning into a seed pod.
Explanation: After pollination, the flower makes seeds. These seeds are ready to start the cycle all over again.
Mnemonic: "Seeds Start the Cycle Again!"
Fun Memory Rhyme for the Whole Cycle
“Seed to sprout, and sprout to tree,
Flowers bloom for bees to see.
Pollination makes new seeds grow,
Around and around the cycle goes!”