Full stack development Curriculum
### 1. **Introduction to Fullstack Development**
- Overview of web development (frontend, backend, fullstack)
- Understanding the client-server model
### 2. **HTML and CSS**
- Basic HTML structure and elements
- Semantic HTML
- CSS fundamentals (selectors, properties, values)
- Flexbox and Grid layout systems
- Responsive design principles and media queries
- CSS preprocessors (Sass, LESS)
### 3. **JavaScript**
- JavaScript basics (variables, data types, operators)
- Control structures (loops, conditionals)
- Functions and scope
- DOM manipulation and events
- ES6+ features (let/const, arrow functions, template literals, destructuring)
- Asynchronous JavaScript (promises, async/await)
### 4. **Frontend Frameworks and Libraries**
- **React.js**
- Component-based architecture
- State and props
- Lifecycle methods
- Hooks (useState, useEffect, custom hooks)
- React Router
- Context API and Redux for state management
- Introduction to other frameworks/libraries (Vue.js, Angular)
### 5. **Version Control with Git**
- Basic Git commands (clone, commit, push, pull)
- Branching and merging
- Collaboration with GitHub/GitLab
### 6. **Package Managers and Build Tools**
- NPM/Yarn basics
- Introduction to Webpack, Babel, and other build tools
- Task runners (Gulp, Grunt)
### 7. **Backend Development**
- **Node.js**
- Introduction to Node.js and NPM
- Building a simple server with Express.js
- Middleware and routing
- RESTful APIs
- Handling requests and responses
- **Database Management**
- SQL vs NoSQL databases
- Working with PostgreSQL
- Basic SQL queries (CRUD operations)
- Sequelize ORM basics
- Introduction to MongoDB and Mongoose
### 8. **Authentication and Authorization**
- User authentication (sessions, JWT)
- Role-based access control
### 9. **API Development and Consumption**
- Building and consuming RESTful APIs
- Introduction to GraphQL
- Error handling and validation
### 10. **Testing and Debugging**
- Unit testing with Jest
- Integration and end-to-end testing
- Debugging techniques and tools
### 11. **DevOps and Deployment**
- Basics of DevOps
- Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines
- Deployment on cloud platforms (AWS, Azure, Heroku)
- Containerization with Docker
### 12. **Project Work**
- Building a fullstack project
- Best practices for project structure
- Code reviews and version control strategies
- Deploying and maintaining the application
### 13. **Soft Skills and Best Practices**
- Agile methodologies (Scrum, Kanban)
- Team collaboration tools (Jira, Trello)
- Code quality and readability (linting, formatting)
- Documentation and technical writing
### Real time project for different experience level