Basic electrical technology, electromagnetic waves, network theory or electrical circuit analysis, digital electronics, signal and systems, digital signal processing, control system.All this subject will be taught and I have experience in teaching this subjects.I will be providing notes for this subjects. Online classes will be taken
In basic education technology subject like ohms law, series and parallel resistance, power, single and three phase AC, it's phasor diagram, difference between unity, lagging and leading power factor will be taught, different energy sources and it's working, advantages, application and disadvantage will be explained
In electromagnetic waves or field theory all the concepts like coulombs law, gauss law and its application, difference between electric and magnetic circuit and it's laws and application will be taught.
In network theory basic of circuit, star delta, source transformation, source shifting, kcl, kvl, thevenins theorem, Norton s theorem, superposition theorem other theorem related to electrical circuits will be taught.
According to your university syllabus I will teach classes