Course Objectives
§ To become familiar with the basic methods, techniques & tools of drawing
§ To take part in a community of artists
§ To enjoy the challenging and nuanced process of drawing
Course Methods
§ Practice & repetition
§ Experimentation & play
§ Observation (inner & outer)
§ Creative synthesis
§ Mutual support & feedback
Course Requirements/Grading/Guidelines
Please make a commitment to the work we’re going to do together. Students who want to get the
most out of this class should be on time, have regular attendance, and complete all assignments.
Grading options:
§ No Grade Requested: Default option
§ Letter Grade: Not offered
§ Credit/No Credit: No more than one absence and completion of all assignments and active
participation in discussions is required
§ Do actively participate in discussions
§ Do listen to the instructor and fellow students and follow directions
§ Do complete all projects, including home assignments
§ Do not talk while the instructor or a fellow student is speaking
§ Do not use a digital device in class (make calls outside)
§ Do not be mean, rude, or disrespectful to anyone in the class
§ Students who cannot follow the rules or instructions of the teacher might be asked to leave
Course Structure
We’ll be drawing the majority of the time, but there will also be slide lectures, demos, class
discussions, and short writing projects. At the start of every class we will have a warm-up before
the main project. You’ll receive info via email before each class that explains what we’ll be doing
that week, which materials to bring, and what to work on at home.
Course Materials
For the first class you will need:
Work Clothing: Always wear old clothes or a smock/apron that can get dirty.
Drawing Pad: A large, inexpensive sketchpad with “light weight” (50 lb.) sketch paper (size
18 x 24 in.) from Strathmore, Canson, etc.
Drawing Board: A drawing board with clips, cut-out handle and rubber-band large enough
to accommodate your big pad (or other type of drawing board).
Pencils: Assortment that should include at least one middle-range (HB or #2), one hard
(H5), and one soft (B5) pencil.
§ Erasers & Sharpener: One regular pink or white eraser, one “kneaded rubber” eraser, and
a small pencil sharpener.
Later you will need:
Sumi Ink & Brush: A bottle of Japanese liquid black sumi ink (do not substitute other types
of ink!) and a small or medium-sized Asian-style calligraphy brush. Also one or two mixing
Charcoal & Conté: A small package (5-10 sticks) of vine or willow charcoal; a small
package (2-4 sticks) of compressed charcoal; and a small package (1-2 sticks) of white
Conté crayons.
Pens: Your choice of three or more different types of pen (ballpoint, rollerball, felt, fountain,
brush, paint, gel, parallel, technical, etc.).
Collage Supplies: Glue (white, stick, rubber, etc.), tape, scissors and/or utility knife.
Sheets of Paper (as needed): Good quality watercolor or printmaking paper (140 lb. or
greater), such as Arches, BFK Rives, etc.
OPTIONAL: Ruler, water spray bottle, gloves, colored pencils, crayons, pastels, etc.
Portable Art Kit (PAK):
A PAK is a small, portable container with supplies and a small sketchbook. The key aspect
of the PAK is that it is truly portable—it must fit in a backpack, pocket, or purse. Use it
to write down ideas, plan a piece, sketch on the fly, and brainstorm freely without judgment.
For your PAK you need:
Sketchbook: Must be 5” x 7” or smaller.
Pencils and/or Pens: A small assortment of your choosing.
Container: A small and portable box/bag for supplies.
Course Outline
Day 1:
* Introductions, syllabus & materials
*Class objectives & prior experience
* Demo: Location, position, set-up & gesture
* Project #1: Anatomy of a Drawing
* Project #2: Big Head & Crazy Stick!
* Home Fun: 1) Get PAK & other supplies. 2) What’s your definition of drawing?
3) Bring landscape photos.
Day 2:
* Discuss: Definitions of drawing
* Demo: Starting a drawing & composition
* Project: Landscape (Photo)
*Home Fun: Do a gestural plein-air landscape in PAK.
Day 3:
* Slide lecture (located in different room)
* Demo: Shading, blending, contrast
*Project: Dramatic Drapery Drawing (DDD)
* Home Fun: Do a quick DDD at home.
Day 4:
* Demo: Lines & crosshatch basics
* Project: De-Stilled Life
* Home Fun: Three or more gestural sketches of objects in PAK.
Day 5:
* Slide lecture (located in different room)
* Demo: One/two-point basic linear perspective
*Project: Exterior Architecture
* Home Project: 1) A gestural plein-air drawing of building in PAK. 2) Bring various
materials and choose subject matter for Abstract project.
Day 6:
* Discuss: All work thus far
* Demo: Mixing media, found materials & collage
* Demo: The world of pens
* Project: Abstract (Mixed Media)
* Home Project: 1) Make gestural self-portrait drawings in PAK. 2) Bring three
photos of yourself.
Day 7:
* Demo: Third eyes & absent noses
* Project: Self-Portraits (Photo)
*Home Project: 1) Bring three photos of yourself. 2) Bring portable mirror.