This level 1 Drawing course is for beginners in Art field . This will help them to improve their moves & create rhythm in their art .In this course I will teach you about how to handle pencil for flow & how the mediums like pencil colours , Oil pastels and Watercolour tubes works at their best level .This course include : 1) Shape Study ( four main sheets ) , 2) Object Study ( two main sheets ) , 3) Drawing ( four main sheets ), 4) Landscape Study( two main sheets ) , 5) Floral Study ( three main sheets ) .
In this course , you will learn total of 15 main sheets. This sheets will help you to explore your basics of art in linear free hand drawings as well as in different mediums of colours .
Material required :
Pencil ,Rubber ,Sharpener ,Point marker pen ,( Rounder + Scale ) depends on student's level .
Mediums required :
Pencil colours (Staedtler watercolour pencilsđbest for beginners ),Oil pastels (Camlin ),Student's or Artistic Watercolour tubes ( depends on student's level ) of Camlin .