Algorithms-properties, asymptotic notations, implementation of recursive algorithms- factorial algortim , GCD, fibbonaci, Towers of Hanoi
Linear Search and Binary Search.
Sorting - Bubble Sort, Selection Sort, Insertion Sort, Merge Sort, Quick Sort
Hashing-collision resolution, linear probing, seperate chaining ,double hashing and rehashing.
Data Structures –Definition, Linear Data Structures, Non-Linear Data Structures,
Stacks - Overview of Stack, Implementation of Stack (List), Applications of Stack-Reversing a string, infix to postfix, evaluating postfix.
Queues: Overview of Queue, Implementation of Queue (List), Applications of Queues-Round Robin algorithm and Circular queues
Linked Lists – Implementation of Singly Linked Lists, Doubly Linked Lists, Circular Linked Lists. Implementation of Stack and Queue using Linked list.
Graphs - Introduction, Directed vs Undirected Graphs, Weighted vs Unweighted Graphs, Representations, Breadth First Search, Depth First Search.
Trees - Overview of Trees, Tree Terminology, Binary Trees: Introduction, Implementation, Applications. Tree Traversals, Binary Search Trees: Introduction, operations and Implementation, constructing binary search tree using inorder and pre/post order.