Experience beats Talent!. We believe the best within you is unleashed only if you experience certain things and figure out which approach suites you the best!
Unlike traditional courses which cover “How” to do certain things with examples and code samples, these courses have been specifically designed to address the “What” part along with the “How”. Every module int his series is designed keeping the interview and day to day job related deliverables in mind.
What to expect out of this course ?
- Solid foundation of Java Dominated Ecosystem.
- Certificate of Completion
- Lifetime access to course materials and code repository.
- Interview Specific Preparation
- Personalized live doubt clearing sessions.
- Maximum exposure to current industry trends and practical training
- Resume Preparation and Mock Interviews
Course Syllabus
Java Procedural Programming:
- Introduction to Java Procedural Programming
- Variables and Data Types
- Operators and Expressions
- Control Flow Statements
- Arrays and Strings
- Methods and Functions
- Exception Handling
Milestone Project - Encryption Decryption Tool
Java Object Oriented Programming:
- Introduction to Object Oriented Programming
- Classes and Objects
- Inheritance and Polymorphism
- Encapsulation and Abstraction
- Interfaces and Abstract Classes
- Exception Handling in OOP
- File Handling in OOP
- GUI Programming with Swing
Java Collections Framework:
- Introduction to Java Collections Framework
- Lists, Sets, and Maps
- ArrayList, LinkedList, and Vector
- HashSet, LinkedHashSet, and TreeSet
- HashMap, LinkedHashMap, and TreeMap
- Queue and Deque
- Iterators and Comparators
- Sorting and Searching
Milestone Project - Attendance Management system
JDK 8 New Features - Stream API and Lambda's
- Introduction to JDK 8 New Features and Functional Programming
- Streams API
- Lambda Expressions
- Consumers, Predicates and filters
Milestone Project : Library Management Software using JDBC
Advanced Java Introduction:
— Java File IO Operations
— Java Database Connection JDBC
— Multithreading preview