Object-Oriented Concepts - 10 hrs
Class and Object, java, javac, javadoc, PATH vs CLASSPATH, JDK vs JRE vs JVM, local, instance and static variables, Constructor Types- Default, No-args, Parameterised, this keyword, Abstraction, Encapsulation, Inheritance, super keyword, Polymorphism - method overloading and method overriding, toString() method
Language Fundamentals 1. - 10 hrs
hashCode and equals() , == operator, static import, for each, var-args, final variable, final method, co-variant return type, method hiding, static block,String, StringBuffer,StringBuilder, Wrapper Classes
Language Fundamentals 2 - 6 hrs
Inner classes - simple, static, method-local, anonymous inner class, abstract class,Interfaces, Garbage collection
Annotations and Reflections - 5 hrs
Need for annotations , Type of annotations , User-defined annotations, Reflection API need,Display annotations info using Reflection API
JVM Architecture. - 3 hrs
Class Loaders- Need and Type, Byte code verifier, JVM Memory Areas- Method Area,Heap, Heap Statistics, Stack, Native method stacks, Execution Engine- Interpreter, JIT Compiler, Profiler
Collections API - 12 hrs
Collection Hierarchy, Generics, ArrayList, Vector, Stack, Comparator vs Comparable, LinkedList, TreeSet, HashSet, HashMap, ConcurrentHashMap, Iterator, ListIterator, Enumeration
Multithreading - 10 hrs
Ways to create a Thread, Thread life cycle, Thread priorities, join(), sleep(), yeild(),synchronised method and synchronised block, Inter-thread communication (Producer-Consumer Problem) , wait(), notify()
Exception Handling - 3 hrs
Exception Hierarchy, Error vs Exception, multiple catch, multi-catch, try-catch-finally, trywith-resources, throw vs throws , create user-defined exception