Basic knowledge of computers.. Which a student must know to day to daily basis
Computer and technology plays a big role in our 21st generation
We all depend on computer because everything is so instant and quick, computer has become a big part of our life, and is internet.. Without Internet the world would be so bland because we all depend on that and surving through that example work, education , ecommerce, entertainment, social media and educational purposes and many more.
Computers are most adapted for gathering, analyzing, classifying, and storing information in science, education, and engineering They likewise make it easier for scientists to share data both
Computers are revolutionizing the way doctors diagnose patients in hospitals. They’re utilized to keep track of patients’ information, records, real-time patient monitoring, X-rays, and more. With the assistance of computers, everything is getting digitized. Computers assist in the configuration of lab instruments, the monitoring of heart rate and blood pressure, and other tasks.