Will be teaching maths 10th syllabus what ever the doubts you have can be cleared.This will be a perfect course for you to complete the syllabus
Here is an overview of the Math curriculum for Class 10:
*Number Systems*
1. Real numbers: definition, properties, and operations
2. Rational and irrational numbers
3. Decimal representation of rational numbers
1. Polynomials: definition, types, and operations
2. Quadratic equations: solutions, formula, and graphs
3. Linear equations: solutions, graphs, and applications
1. Points, lines, and planes: definitions and properties
2. Angles: types, measurements, and relationships
3. Triangles: congruence, similarity, and properties
4. Circles: definition, properties, and theorems
1. Angles: measurement, conversion, and relationships
2. Trigonometric functions: sine, cosine, and tangent
3. Identities and equations: trigonometric functions
1. Perimeter and area of plane figures: triangles, quadrilaterals, and polygons
2. Surface area and volume of solids: cubes, cuboids, and cylinders
*Statistics and Probability*
1. Statistics: data collection, representation, and analysis
2. Probability: definition, axioms, and theorems
*Coordinate Geometry*
1. Cartesian coordinates: definition, plotting, and applications
2. Graphs of linear and quadratic equations
This overview covers the main topics and subtopics in the Class 10 Math curriculum.