Will be covering IGCSE ICT syllabus Chapter 21
Use HTML in the content layer
Create the content layer of a web page Place appropriate elements in the head section of a web page including:
• insert a page title to display in the browser
• attach external stylesheets (with the correct hierarchy, using a relative file path)
• metatags to use the appropriate attributes including to define the charset, name attributes (description, keywords, author, viewport), content attributes
• default target windows Place appropriate content in the body section of a web page Insert a table including table header, table rows, table data Use appropriate table attributes to meet the needs of the audience including to adjust cells to span more than one row or column, to set table and cell sizes in terms of pixels or % values, to apply styles to tables Insert appropriate objects into a web page including text, images, sound clips, video (display controls, remove controls, autoplay), to adjust image or video size, aspect ratio and apply alternate text Use the tag including to apply styles and classes Apply tags to text within a web page to display predefined styles including h1, h2, h3, p, li Apply classes to elements within a web page
Apply styles to elements within a web page including to a list (ordered list, unordered list) Create a bookmark within a web page using an id attribute Create hyperlinks from text and images to:
• bookmarks on the same page
• other locally stored web pages
• a website using the URL
• send mail to a specified email address
• to open in a specified location (the same window, a new window, with a window named as specified
Purpose of the head and body sections of a web page
The reason tables are used to structure elements within a web page
Function of metatags including to define: the charset, keywords for search engines, the author of the web page, a description of the web page, the viewport (to make your web page display on all devices)
Function of a hyperlink Concept of a bookmark including methods of creating a bookmark within a web page
Function of an anchor Relative file path and absolute file path including the reason absolute file paths must not be used for hyperlinks to locally saved web pages/objects.
Create the presentation layer of a web page Create generic external styles and inline style attributes including:
• background properties including colour, images
• font properties • table, table row, table header and table data properties including size, background colour, horizontal and vertical alignment, spacing, padding, borders: including collapsed, colour, thickness, visible/invisible Create classes including:
• background properties including colour, images
• font properties
• table, table row and table data properties including size, background colour, horizontal and vertical alignment, spacing, padding, borders: including collapsed, colour, thickness, visible/ invisible Create external styles to be tagged in a web page including h1, h2, h3, p, li Specify the font properties including font family, size, colour, alignment, bold, italic Attach comments to an external stylesheet Save styles in cascading stylesheet format